We bookmark hundreds and thousands of pages as we keep finding more and more information over the web . But with time it gets tiresome to scan through all your bookmarks to go to the page you want .
In order to make your experience with bookmarks more comfortable Firefox offers you the feature of Organize Bookmarks . Go to the top part of your browser and click on browsers . Scroll down and go to Organize Bookmarks .
This opens a new window . Select Bookmark menu at the left side of the window .This shows all your bookmarks . Then go to Organize at the top of the menu and create a new folder . Name this folder appropriately according to the type of bookmarks you are going to add the folder . Once you folder is created add bookmarked links to them by simple drag and drop .
This post is authored by http://linkbuzz.blogspot.com/ . Copying it without permission is subject to content theft .
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