We already dealt with some tags such as head , meta and title tags in the previous page. But what exactly are HTML tags ? Just like in magazines as different sections of a page consist of different elements such as heading , sub-heading , text ,pictures etc. Similarly , to define the layout of our page to the computer we use HTML tags that define different sections of the page and their elements such as heading , sub-heading ,columns as well as the text , images within these sections .
div-division .This tag groups related content .A particular division <div> can be uniquely identified by providing it an id .
<div id="1">
But if we have more than one divisions of similar type we also specify a class .
<div class="xyz" id="1">
anchor element
For more information, visit <a href="http://xyz.org/">xyz</a>
href - hyperlink reference . This points to the destination page .
In this case xyz will be underlined or linked . While clicking on this link the user will be directed to page http://xyz.org/ .
div-division .This tag groups related content .A particular division <div> can be uniquely identified by providing it an id .
<div id="1">
But if we have more than one divisions of similar type we also specify a class .
<div class="xyz" id="1">
anchor element
For more information, visit <a href="http://xyz.org/">xyz</a>
href - hyperlink reference . This points to the destination page .
In this case xyz will be underlined or linked . While clicking on this link the user will be directed to page http://xyz.org/ .
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